Does An Apple A Day ACTUALLY Keep The Doctor Away? Only If You Keep Eating Right!
October 05, 2019
When it comes to medical care, it vital that you take measures to protect yourself from unnecessary or extra urgent care center visits. Consider that even if you exercise or think you're a healthy person mentally, how you treat your body physically (through food) can play a critical role in protecting yourself from long-term health issues. A failure to follow this logic will lead you to urgent care center visits regularly. To learn more about ways to protect yourself and your health, keep reading below.
Pediatrician and urgent care centers are bustling, which is likely related to the fact that individuals aren't eating an apple (and some veggies) a day!
In 2015, family pediatrician centers and urgent centers reported that they saw approximately 12,000 patients. In other words, that's nearly three patients per hour or 32 visits on a given day. The numerous individuals that visited these centers did so for varying reasons. However, many health issues are related to poor diet. Consider that pediatricians and family doctors want to see their patients eating a well-balanced diet, including a wide range of fruits, veggies, carbs, and starches. A failure to keep variety in your diet can result in numerous health issues or feelings of fatigue and low-energy. Take the appropriate measures to protect yourself and eat right!
People commonly visit urgent care centers for cases of flu; however, plentiful fruits and veggies can combat the flu before an emergency room visit is needed.
In 2016, The Urgent Care Association of America conducted a report which found that the most common illnesses diagnosed by pediatrician services and doctors at urgent care centers in the prior year, were flu-related: (1) acute upper respiratory infection, (2) acute sinusitis, (3) acute pharyngitis, (4) cough, and (5) acute bronchitis. This is further supported by the notion that each year, Americans are diagnosed with nearly 1 billion colds. Also, the average child experiences approximately six to ten colds in a given year. That said, the flu is often associated with food, as eating a healthy amount of fruits and veggies gets you the vitamins and nutrients needed to protect yourself during flu season. By eating right, you are more likely to be able to protect yourself from the problematic flu season!
All in all, an apple a day may keep the doctor away (or at least unnecessary visits)! Consider eating right and taking care of your physical body. It is of utmost importance to protect yourself in the long-run. Be sure to keep the facts above in mind, as they are sure to help you protect yourself from repeated pediatrician and urgent care center visits!